Tough Times Don’t Last Forever, Tough People Do.

We all go through something in our lifetime. Maybe for some of you, your tough times have lasted a lot longer than you would like them to. Trust me when I say this, you are not alone. Its seems part of our human experience is that we face trials and tribulations throughout our existence, and to make matters worse, at times there never seems to be an end to our misery.

Luckily I am here today to let you in on a secret that I’ve come to know. Those tough times that are plaguing you and the things around you don’t last forever. Today you may feel like you are at your breaking point, but please just hang on a little while longer.

Often times, I find myself full of discouragement and sadness because I feel as though my circumstances are greater than my will to fight. But then I have to remind myself that I can make it through these tough times because “I AM ENOUGH“.

Just three simple words, but the amount of weight they hold makes up for their length. The greatest thing we can remind ourselves and others is that we are strong enough to endure all of life’s challenges. There is so much beauty for us to see in this world and it would be disheartening to know that someone believed they weren’t qualified to see it.

Always remind people that they are worthy of love and that their existence is valuable. I think the worst thing we can do is to never remind the people around us especially those we don’t know how much they mean to someone. Everyone is fighting a battle that we can’t see and just the smallest thing said to them can be the difference in them being here today and gone tomorrow.

Image result for youre enough

-Cecil R.

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