My 2019 Word: Reform.

In 2017 my word was purpose.

In 2018 my word was grateful.

In 2019 my word is reform.

The word “reform” is described as making changes in (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it. Basically, when you want to reform something you are trying to re-design or reconfigure it, so that it can be the best version of itself possible.

The past two years, I started giving myself a word to follow as a way to track my progress. I wanted to track the way I was living. So in 2017, I wanted to live with a purpose. I wanted to align myself with any and everything that allowed me to move purposely.

In 2018 I aspired to be grateful for all things. At this time, I found myself in excruciating circumstances that exhausted me mentally and emotionally. Unbeknownst to many, my will to live was not strong at the end of 2017. I was grateful for a second chance at life and even more grateful that I could see the world this new-found perspective.

As for 2019, I like to think that my new word is a testament of the happy and sad times that I faced in the past year. There’s a lot of things that I aspire to change for the better this new year. While I won’t share those with you, I say that I have taken the necessary steps towards reforming the my life in the direction that I want it to go.

I know this sort of things is not for everyone, but I challenge you to come up with a word that you feel best fits the direction ou want your 2019 to go. Trust me when I say it makes a world of difference.

-Cecil R.

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